17th November 2014
Factors to Consider When Choosing Glass for Your Home
Windows are fundamental to good home design as they have a lasting impact on the quality of life in the home. Careful consideration of the size, type and placement of windows is required to ensure a comfortable living environment.
There are two sets of factors you should consider when choosing the right glass for your home.
The basic factors are climate, location and the orientation of your windows.
The four secondary factors which determine the right glass for your home are insulation, heat loss and heat gain, ventilation and acoustics.
If your home is located in areas that experience colder, longer winters, you need glass that offers better insulation than the ordinary glass. Ordinary glass lets your home’s heat leak out during cold weather. The best way to insulate your windows is to choose low emissivity (Low-E) glass. This type of glass acts like insulation and significantly improves the energy efficiency of your home. Double-glazed windows also offer improved insulation as well as improved noise reduction. For homes located in warmer climate zones it is better to choose glass that absorbs and reflects the heat such as toned (tinted) glass or toned Low-E.
Understanding the orientation of your windows and how much sun they get throughout different seasons will influence what type of glass you need. To get the best results from windows consider the following guidelines:
The Living Space is brought to you by Viridian New World Glass.
- Achieving a thermally efficient house can be helped by orientating the home’s glass to the north where possible, with eaves or shading to keep the summer sun off the glass
- Northerly facing sunrooms capture the best of the sunny aspect without the harshness of the afternoon heat
- Most bedrooms should get morning sun; therefore a north-east position would be a good option
- The westerly sun as it sets is the most severe in summer and so using a low-E coated glass with a tint in the glass, which makes it appear slightly darker will significantly help keep out that uncomfortable sun load.
- Viridian SmartGlass™ range offers great insulation performance, 39% better than ordinary glass
- A typical, adequately-insulated building that uses ordinary glass can lose up to 49% of heat through the windows in winter. The same windows allow up to 87% of solar heat gain during summer
- Viridian SmartGlass™ can offer up to 25% savings on heating and cooling bills (source SmartGlass™ Website)
- SmartGlass™ is so advanced it can help homes achieve up to an extra Star Rating in energy efficiency when compared with ordinary glass (source SmartGlass™ Website)
The Living Space is brought to you by Viridian New World Glass.