12th June 2019
Do you have lazy glass?
Ok, so you’re probably thinking what is lazy glass? In simple terms, it’s glass that doesn’t have secondary benefits designed to make it better or more efficient for different situations. Selecting better performing glass for your home will mean that your windows will still be delivering benefits long after the kitchen benchtop has discoloured and the taps have fallen out of fashion!
What are the big benefits of choosing high performance glass?
Windows and glass will have a huge impact on your home. They not only add to the comfort and liveability of your home, they can also save you money on lighting, heating/cooling, reduce noise and help keep you connected to the outdoors.
Government energy standards are demanding better ways of building and Viridian has a complete range to help homeowners create a space that not only exceeds current standards but will also give you a better home to live in for the future.
Read more about our energy efficient glass range here.
What kind of glass helps reduce noise?
As housing gets more compact and we are living closer to our neighbours, you need a glass that works to keep unwanted noise out but also works the other way so you have privacy in your own home. Viridian’s acoustic glass range, was designed specifically to dampen noise and can be used on its own or added to other high-performance glass to help you escape the noise of urban living and make your home a sanctuary. Read more about glass and noise performance here.
How do I know how glass is performing?
Glass performance can be measured! These performance values allow us to understand the impact of the windows on the homes’ overall energy efficiency. Performance values are measured on the whole window and not only the glass. Understanding what these values mean and how the measures work are important to ensuring that the glass that is specified is going to suit the needs of the home. Read more.
Can I use different types of glass in different parts of the home?
Yes! If budget is tight, or some areas of the home are prone to catching the brunt of the sun in summer (and none in winter) your glass selection in different orientations of the home can work with you! At Viridian, we feel every home is unique and the glass used should be designed to fit.
Who can I talk to next?
Homeowners and renovators
Speak directly to your builder or window fabricator about the options which will work best with your chosen window frames and performance requirements. Don't forget to ask for Viridian Glass!
Fabricators and the trade
Get in touch with your local Viridian contact at 1800 847 434 for more information about our high performance glass range.